Welcome back to Mechanic Monday! Been a minute hasn't it? Remember when I did one of these a week for a year? 2020 was such a productive time! Totally worth the complete decay of my sense of self! Today I’m going to go about things a little backwards. Normally I start with the mechanical kernel, mock up how it would look in a hypothetical game, and then do a little theorycrafting around it. This time, I uh already have a v1.0 prototype. So let's start there. Gradually Shorter Engines In Paper Moth Dynasty, you play a young Monarch, with nine Role cards flipped to either their Sun or Moon side. In the first round you will place 7 of the 9 available cards in your Court tableau, then Exile a card and play the next round with one fewer card to draw and one fewer to play, then do the same again before the third and final round. You will therefore place 7 cards in the first round, 6 in the second, and 5 in the third round. So engine builders (and th...
Hey it's TTRPG Tuesday. Well I’m gonna start writing one on a Tuesday. We’ll see how it goes. Been doing a lot of writing on Channelers lately. And this time is no exception! In particular, I’ve been wondering if there's room for a sixth Calling: the Haunted. The Haunted There are those who live with a Spiritual affliction: a family curse, intermittent possession, psychic wounds from exposure to a manifestation - whatever the cause, the Haunted lives with a power they can try to manage but never fully control. The act of Channeling itself is risky, with twisted and unpredictable Techniques and Incarnations, and a tendency for the Haunted’s power to run away from them. The hidden truth of every Haunted is that they bear their burden because they believe they deserve it. They may despise their state or try to suppress it, but they will remain cursed only as long as they believe, consciously or otherwise, that they should be. If a Haunted eve...