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TTRPG Tuesday: I'm A Hack, Is What I Am

Hey welcome back to TTRPG Tuesday! Tuesday technically ended 51 minutes ago as I begin to write this, but who gives a shit.  It’s been a while and I feel like I need to get a post out.
Today, let’s look at hacks - I’ve written settings, adventures, classes, monsters, and modules for other systems before, but I’ve never done a hack; it’s one of those things where I’d have no issue with someone doing it with something I wrote (game design-wise; playwriting-wise I’d be a bit stroppy) however! I have been advised that it’s a good starting point for folks who have never built a system from scratch, so maybe it’s a worthwhile exercise to embark upon.  So what system would I want to hack? Well, this is just first principles basic concept stuff, but since Aaron Lim’s the one who suggested I look at a hack, I’m going to take one of his systems: SPEEDMECH.

Implementing the tactical turn-based combat of SPEEDMECH, Masks & Belts is a game of Driver moves and form-changing in a tokusatsu-inspired setting.  Play as a Rider, an ordinary person who utilizes a transforming device to become a masked superhero.  The device allows the heroic character to utilize certain Moves tied to different Drivers; additional Drivers can be retrieved after defeating monstrous enemies, turning that villainous power to good ends against future baddies.  Some Drivers also allow the Rider to upgrade to a variety of forms, which are suited to different environments and enemy types.  Manage the balance between your personal and heroic identities, defeat monstrous enemies and collect new Drivers, and solve the mystery of who’s behind this incursion of monsters.

So the two main things are more opportunities for roleplay, as the dual identity is fertile ground for freeform character-driven storytelling, and the form aspect; whereas in SPEEDMECH the mech type is fixed, I envision a system where Riders may fall into different archetypes but where each one is more self-sufficient by virtue of being able to shift into a different configuration, either to adapt to circumstances or to cover for a gap in team efficiency.  For instance, the players may have a Brutish Rider, a Deadly Rider, and a Heroic Rider, but in a pinch, perhaps the Brutish Rider shifts into a Quick form to counteract a fast-moving opponent, becoming a threat on both the raw damage and mobility fronts.

So there we have it; again, this is pure noodling, but I can already see how cribbing off another designer’s notes could allow me to avoid reinventing the wheel, while being sufficiently distinct as to make loving homage rather than dirty stealing.  Perhaps I’ll see where this goes, but until then - keep designing and we’ll see you next time.


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