Bonjour, and welcome back to TTRPG Tuesday. I’m running out of time to get a design in for the ButtonShy contest, and I don’t know if this last week of the month will have enough free time for me to finish it. So just as an exercise, let’s lay out a plan for what it would take to finish this Riders design to the point where I could get a submission in by the 30th. Get the rules down. I’ve got a limit of 3 pages, so just getting the bones down is a good start. A lot of it is already in my general notes, and my notes on the setup. The usual format: Title copy, Components, Synopsis, Setup, Gameplay, End of Game Finalize and either Wordify or just scan the character sheet Do a spreadsheet of cards. Start with doing one side, worry about making cards double-sided only after hitting the first goal Instead of the usual card template, make a blown up single card template, and build the cards in that If I can plotz o...