Hahahaha I don’t actually have time to do this today and yet! It’s Mechanic Monday! Today’s a conjecture on something that I don’t even know exists? It’s based on my understanding of what a program can do, and spins wildly off into hypothesis territory from there. Anyway at my day job everyone has at least two screens. It’s that kind of workplace. Three is becoming the norm, I’ve seen people with five. Which seems aggressively excessive. And I see a weird number of people using programs that look like they’re for coding? Considering very few people here work in any capacity on anything that would involve code? But it means I’ve long flirted with the idea of playing a MUD right out in the open on my desktop. Just fire up Darkmists or some other telnet-based text game, and who would know it wasn’t me tappity-tap-tap-tapping away on important company business (once the ASCII art intro finishes scrolling of course)? I already do some shorthand things - t...