Today's post is a short one, which is fitting as it commemorates an achievement of no great note, beside personal pride. Today I wrote up a little more on my BGG thread about Project Smatter, outlining the boards. Recently, I've been obsessing over whether the boards should adhere to multiples / exponentials of three or two, trying to thematically link the layouts of the boards to overarching numerical motif blah blah blah. Writing stuff down in the BGG thread, I had contrasting information. Whatever. Nail down the basics, talk about some possibilities, but not for too long, because nailing down the basics means you have enough of a foundation to start playing. And after writing it up, with pictures and bolding, that's what I did: I just started playing. I got out the pieces, I set up the boards, and I started playing myself. I got confused, so I got out a turn marker. I got stuck in a back-and-forth, so I restarted with one of my po...