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Showing posts from November, 2021

TTRPG Tuesday: H-hello?

Hey!  Long time no anything.  How the hell have you been? Me? Constantly drained.  Doing much more playwriting and theatre admin than game writing.  But it’s TTRPG Tuesday and I’m back to report that despite it taking much longer to make  than a pamphlet should, I got the push I needed from MegaCorp/Logan running a Company game jam in the month of October and I got a v1.0 together, edited, and submitted by the deadline.  I met some cool people, gave and got feedback, and had a better product for it. Thinking about it, now that I’ve got my first creator upload to itch, I wonder if I shouldn’t take the opportunity to clean up my creator page and upload my other games; starting with Riders and maybe a cleaned up What Makes It Move; and then perhaps moving onto my non RPG stuff, I dunno, can’t hurt and I can always take it down if I decide to publish, right? I’d like to do another of these; the community aspect was fun, and I’d also like to prove my chops a lit...