Did I really end my last entry with “Til net time!”? Lord I hope that was an intentional cyberpunk joke. Look, it’s 11:36pm and I’m tired, and I’ve already been writing all evening, so you’re getting the bare minimum from me - especially since I still need to shower and get back to MtG Arena, which I’ve now downloaded. RIP priorities - you would have loved me having you. Excess Damage Represented by Additional Pieces In GREEM, each player has stacks of 3, 2, or 1 checkers. On a player’s turn, they may move a stack a number of spaces equal to the height of the stack. If a stack lands on a friendly stack of equal or lesser height, the stacks are combined. If a stack lands on an opposing stack of equal or greater height, it removes the opposing stack. If a stack lands on an opposing stack of lesser height, it removes the opposing stack and creates a new friendly stack, which has a height equal to the difference between the two stacks. The game ends...