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Showing posts from March, 2021

Mechanic Monday: Out of Mana Tramples on Through

Did I really end my last entry with “Til net time!”? Lord I hope that was an intentional cyberpunk joke.  Look, it’s 11:36pm and I’m tired, and I’ve already been writing all evening, so you’re getting the bare minimum from me - especially since I still need to shower and get back to MtG Arena, which I’ve now downloaded.  RIP priorities - you would have loved me having you. Excess Damage Represented by Additional Pieces In GREEM, each player has stacks of 3, 2, or 1 checkers.  On a player’s turn, they may move a stack a number of spaces equal to the height of the stack.  If a stack lands on a friendly stack of equal or lesser height, the stacks are combined.  If a stack lands on an opposing stack of equal or greater height, it removes the opposing stack.  If a stack lands on an opposing stack of lesser height, it removes the opposing stack and creates a new friendly stack, which has a height equal to the difference between the two stacks.  The game ends...

Mechanic Monday: Keeping up Out of Mana Cipher a While

Weeeeelcome back to Mechanic Monday! I definitely have something for this, and DIDN’T just scroll back a few entries to that informal list of mechanics and latch onto one that I can roll out into a sheet, slice into very very fine strands, boil in salted water, and then hurl at the wall.  And it’s definitely well thought out, and not loopy from tiredness at all ok here we go! Trojan Horse Battering Rams In Cyber-GREEM, you have a number of attack vectors to try and infiltrate the system of a rival corporation.  A runner? Don’t be silly, individuals don’t have the resources to compete with ponderously powerful financial entities, it’s just giant conglomerates harnessing skilled and indentured labour to mount electronic offensives and counter-offensives on one another.  There are five lanes between players, and each round, players play cards face-down into their side of the lanes.  At the end of a player’s turn, they choose two lanes with which to boost and attack; car...

Q1 2021 Report: State of the 'Mancer

Well, there’s less than two hours left in the week (less than fifteen now that I'm actually pressing Publish), so let’s try and get a post together, since I need to feel in control of my life.  There’s a lot that’s up in the air right now, and I’ve just been utterly unable to do much game design stuff outside of this blog.  So today’s going to be a roundup / quarterly report, and I’ll also see about pre-writing tomorrow’s Out of Mana.  I think my goal was to write ten of those? And I’ve already done 6, which is genuinely shocking, to me, but I have been pretty single-minded in my commitment to updating this blog (Perhaps! To the detriment! Of my other projects!) so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.  But put aside tomorrow’s post for a moment, and let’s focus on this week; it’s not quite three full months of 2021 down, but we’ve got some definite data, so let’s just dive in. Now, I took the last week of 2020 off, so I didn’t actually do a quarterly report, just various ...

Post in: Uncategorized

It’s been a tremendously long week, I’ve missed the windows for a Mechanic Monday or a TTRPG Tuesday and I’m absolutely not doing another video.  It is now, somehow, March, so I suppose I could have done a self-evaluatory post for the first quarter of 2021, but I just ain’t got it in me for that level of coherency.  Yes, my usual work does contain elements of a semblance of coherency - all of which will be absent today.  Random game design thoughts: For a future Reverse Out of Mana - a mechanic where surviving something grants you benefits.  So being damaged grants +1/+1 counters? Or being targeted grants protection against that colour? I should go back to the level of initial treatment I did when I presented The Dollie Extraction for consideration, turn that into a template, and flesh out a treatment for the other scenarios that I brainstormed then, as well as the ones from the last couple of weeks. Once I get into the new place, I need one location for all my games...

A Video?? 7 Forms of Card Acquisition

  This week I decided to go completely off the board - and make a response video to a video by Daniel Solis (whose work is a big inspiration for me) - ' 7 Card Game Ideas '.  Enjoy!