Hey it’s Monday would you look at that. I’m sour because I just spent two hours in a pointless HOA meeting but let’s channel that into something productive, shall we? It’s Monday, so even though I barfed out some game ideas last night, let’s sound the horn for a Mechanic Monday. run horn.midi // Alright so let’s get into it. I love cards, it’s one of my signature traits. A known thing. I also love relative positioning. Put ‘em together and what do you got? Another way of looking at rectangles supporting rectangles. Bon appetit. Grid-Based Modifiers In GREEM, players start out with a personal tableau of two Teal cards, one West and one North. The West Teal card defines a row (Grey cards played to the East of that card), and the other a column (Grey cards played South of that card), with one slot for a Grey card that is in both the row and the column. Each Teal card modifies its row or column, perhaps enhancing its effect, decreasing its cos...