My summer has been undeniably altered by my dayjob. Nights, weekends, during my “vacations”, I have been at the mercy of an industry that has always been tougher in the summer but has just exploded this year. It truly has been something. Something hard and terrible. But I need the money. Yay capitalism! Anyway, at my day job, most people have three screens, their laptop and two monitors. I keep my laptop closed and get by with just two, which makes my coworkers look at me with the respect and fear usually reserved for a particularly smelly shaman. When asked how I can possibly get by with only twice the screen space my parents had for their actual engineering jobs, I explain that I often take my laptop home to work overtime (Yay! Capital! Ism!) and as I have no monitors at home, I have to do the job with one screen, so two feels like a luxury. This is greeted by a short jerky nod, not of understanding but of acceptance, and the swift departure of my q...